An alternative to the T2 line, the substantial difference being the complete absence of a container.
Generally used for light loads to obtain more open patterns, required in some disciplines like skeet shooting.
GaugeHeightCaricamento con orlo stellare (g.)
1230 mm
Case 50 mmCase 63,5 mmCase 65 mmCase 67 mmCase 70 mmCase 76 mmCase 89 mm
Gauge: 12
Height: 30
Caricamento con orlo stellare (g.):
Case 50 mm: /
Case 63,5 mm: /
Case 65 mm: /
Case 67 mm: /
Case 70 mm: 24/26
Case 76 mm: /
Case 89 mm: /
Baschieri & Pellagri Spa - Via del Frullo, 26 - 40055 Marano di Castenaso, Bologna ITALY - tel: 051 6063411 - fax: 051 782116/781464 - P.IVA 00498941202
Codice Fiscale e Nr.Reg. Imprese BO 00290260371 - R.E.A. BO 115986 Cap. Soc. € 489.000 i.v.
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