The quality control represents for Baschieri & Pellagri a permanent feature before, during and after  the production process.

Baschieri & Pellagri  has a state of the art test bench with chemists and skilled technicians, who, every day, make several checks on components and shotshells , in order to guarantee the best products.


  • Careful and rigorous selection of suppliers.
  • Continuous  and methodical checks on the raw materials.
  • Constant checks during the  whole production , up to 33 different and independent control operations for each shift.
  • Functional and performance tests of the finished products.
  • Qualified and professional assistance towards all stakeholders.

The complex of the quality procedures  is developed and revised inside the company  with the same compliance of the controls to the product development and its realization stages.

Baschieri & Pellagri Spa - Via del Frullo, 26 - 40055 Marano di Castenaso, Bologna ITALY - tel: 051 6063411 - fax: 051 782116/781464 - P.IVA 00498941202
Codice Fiscale e Nr.Reg. Imprese BO 00290260371 - R.E.A. BO 115986 Cap. Soc. € 489.000 i.v.
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